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03/26/20 06:15 PM #566    


Michael. (Mike) Markham

My wife was not a cancer survivor 

03/27/20 11:50 AM #567    

Verdo Thomas

We're holding (holing) up OK @ our house. There's no pressing need to go out other than for groceries & other necessities as we're both retired. With the scant traffic, things are looking kinda scary. Just hope the situation starts to take a turn for the better soon. Hope all of you are doing well given the climate.

03/27/20 12:23 PM #568    


Teri Lambourne (Arnold)


Katy, Hope you are getting better and better every day. Sending love your way.

 You are right about journaling about these times that we are here for.... being part of the transition from separateness/oneness into wholeness/we are all one.  Interesting that we are coming into wholeness by being separated  Witness all of the unique ways people are coming together.. truly there are no borders. We are one planet one people.  What affects one affects all.  We are going through the pains of labor, being part of the new birth that i am sure will take much time/decades. A change in our politics, our corporations, our banking, what we imagine are borders between countries  ........well, there i go, on and on!    

For me, in quarantine in our little cabn in Seward, I was treated to virtual birthday party by each of my two grandchildren. 6 yr old Granddaughter lives on an island in southeast Alaska near Ketchikan, facetimed with me to sing happy birthday and my prestent was her reading to me 4  beginning reading books - her reading assignment for the day - with a few cartwheels in between each book. 😃 

Almost 4 yr old Grandson, who lives 140 miles away in Anchorage. Spent the day with his mom and dad baking me a cake - it was blue - his favorite color and making me a new cutting board.  They facetimed me from around their table with beautiful cake 🎂 , glowing with candles lit .  Picture this - Elliott has a slight lisp, he was holding the cake high into the camera and exclaimed "Grammy, ith your birthday! Want me to sing to you? He sang and then he blew the candles out for me.  He excitedly said he made me something in the present and did I want him to use his tool to open it.  He had his plastic pliers from his tool kit in hand and opened to proudly show me the cutting board he had made that day w Dad . " Grammy, now I will cut the cake!"  The best part for him!  Blue frosting-faced Grandson - Joy!  And the only little sadness?  You can't get a warm virtual hug. 💗

Thanks for the sharing!  Be well, be happy, be not afraid  








03/27/20 01:22 PM #569    


Debi Carver (Brooks)

Katy, I Sure as Hell Hope and Pray You Don't have the Virus You are Always in my Prayers and Thoughts.

I'm OK still working and I have decided that the Panic people are CRAZY. 

Many of us have had ancestors that have Survived Famines the Plague, Wars and the 1918 Flu and have Family member Pass Away too. 

All  I Wish You Good Health Strength to See this Pandemic Done and Gone


03/31/20 06:42 PM #570    


Holly Williams (Schelin)

didn't know if anyone follows East High Alumni website but apparently Coach Milne passed away last weekend.  Haven't seen an obituary yet, but was sure there were team members who knew him better than I did.  He was my Drivers Ed teacher and I remember him as funny but not so kind to the girls in the class, which makes sense I guess- once a coach, always a coach.  RIP Coach

04/01/20 04:21 PM #571    


Larry Grobstein

I came up with a plan that our country should adopt to conserve this precious commodity

04/02/20 09:23 AM #572    


Brian Brown

 This is an EXCELLENT suggestion, GROBE! Did you think of this because of your half POSTERIOR? ;o) BB





04/02/20 10:17 AM #573    

Pam Wootton

Good one Bri! Sorry Larry, that was good!!  Hope you guys and your families are doing well! Sidenote: I never really got grounded in my teen years, so I am completely unprepared for what's going on. Instead of grounding, we would be given really crumby jobs to do. Once done, out the door. In the last three weeks,  I've now done a zillion crumby jobs!! May I go now??? :( 

04/03/20 05:31 AM #574    

Verdo Thomas

You cut a perfectly good TP role in half? Hope it was the "shitty" stuff. Pun intended. Good joke, though.

04/05/20 06:05 AM #575    

Sybil Noall (Matus)

This must be what the First Peoples felt like when "civilization" arrived with measles and small pox.  Little wheels spins and spins, big wheels turn around, around.

04/06/20 08:55 AM #576    


Willy Revada Allen

He said it not me kate


04/07/20 12:07 PM #577    


Holly Williams (Schelin)

👊🏻  I LIKE IT !

04/07/20 03:26 PM #578    


Michael. (Mike) Markham

Larry G. Who’s your new boy toy.

04/08/20 07:42 AM #579    


Peggy Scott (Youngs)


04/09/20 05:32 PM #580    


Marv Curtis

You are welcome Peggy. What's your recommendation for a COVID worthy Mtn bike ride in your neck of the woods?

04/09/20 08:41 PM #581    


Holly Williams (Schelin)

Oh good, we've gotten back to removing political and religious conversations!  Thanks Marv

04/10/20 03:46 AM #582    


Vernon Fragnito

Never in my whole life would I imagine my hands would consume more alcohol than my mouth...


04/10/20 06:53 AM #583    


Peggy Scott (Youngs)

MARV, the ride some of us did during the reunion weekend is one of my favorites when I'm in town. Up Emigration Canyon to Little Mountain and back, or you can extend the ride by going down the other side. There's world class mtn biking near me, so that is my covid sanity activity in between sewing masks and hunkering down. Hope everyone is staying healthy!

04/10/20 06:57 AM #584    


Peggy Scott (Youngs)

Oops, I misread your question. Phil's World near Cortez is utterly stupendous, and Boggy Draw outside of Dolores is fun as well. Cheers!

04/10/20 08:42 AM #585    


Bob Rust

This is a link to early SLC.  Once there, on the left, the three bottom links, starting with Douglas Park, are good too.



04/10/20 10:27 AM #586    

Mike Rudert


The Peoples Republic of Colorado just shut that County down to all outsiders.  Better to check to see if they'll even let you in.


04/10/20 10:28 AM #587    

Pam Wootton

Bob Rust, Thank you for the link to those fabulous historic SLC pics!! I think my aunt is in that East High 9th grade pic! It looks just like her!! Btw: I love the pic of the old prison. I used to refer to Highland as "the prison", because it was built on the same land, obviously after the prison was torn down.   Hope you and your family are safe and well.  Thanks again for the pics! 

04/10/20 02:30 PM #588    


Marv Curtis

Here is a link to the obituary for Gregg Johnson. Gregg is an East High alum and husband of Kris Monsen.

I express my most sincere sympathies to Kris and family for their loss. 

04/10/20 05:38 PM #589    

Dave Mortensen

I'm wishing everyone well ... and wanted to suggest things will get better for almost all of us. Frankly, Mother Nature is in charge here, not the politicians. I'm reminded of how hard she worked to kill off the ancestors of many of us back in the pioneer era; trust me, getting to Utah in a handcart could be hazardous to your health. And let's not forget the "Spanish flu" early in the following century.

And speaking of mother nature, down here in Texas last evening we saw our first hummingbird visits to the feeder we hang outside a back window every spring. They didn't seem to give a hoot about us and our sitting out on the patio during the quarantine. Brought Yvonne and I a kind of different perspective.

Take care everyone.

04/10/20 08:40 PM #590    


Dan Brown

Dave, my wife and I sneaked away for a drive to see the blue bonnets out by Ennis. They didn't much care either. 

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